2024 Spring Grants for Cherryville High School
Band Revitalization $31,625
The CHS band is a vital part of the high school and the Cherryville community. They actively support the athletic programs, as well as participate in competitions and community events. In many ways, the band is the face of CHS and Cherryville wherever they go. Recruitment is in full force and the band is expected to possibly double in size for the 2024-2025 school year. The final step to revitalization is to provide equipment and instruments for the band program that allow them to showcase their talents, compete with other bands, and provide support to the community throughout the year. These basic needs are essential to keep the CHS band program moving forward in a positive direction.
Consumable Supplies for Art and Photography Classes $1,000
Provides students with a diverse selection of art/photography materials that would not be available to them otherwise, This allows art students to broaden their skills and be more competitive in the local/county art competitions. Also, the Photography class is supplied with ink and photo paper for their class projects.
Junior Class College Tour $1,330
The junior class will travel to Appalachian State University in the fall of 2024 to participate in a college tour. Students not only tour the campus, but also visit and participate in various college classes in different departments based on an interest survey, have lunch in the cafeteria, and gain vital information about preparing to attend college after graduation. Goals are to promote motivation, improve school attendance, and increase ACT/SAT scores.